Olaf Kliche
Tel.: +41 767480345
Freelancer for generic-engine.okl (Solthurn / Switzerland)
Project: gen - Cross Platform Library
C++ 2.0
Freelancer for Ypsomed (Solthurn / Switzerland)
Project: Programing Test Automation
Java (maven, ATS)
Freelancer for Hexagon (Zürich / Switzerland)
Project: Python testing and log file analysis
Python/gRPC testing UAV (drone)
Log files: Python+Docker
Freelancer for Belimo (near Zürich / Switzerland)
Project: Upgrade Communication DLL (MP-Bus+NFC) C++17
Review of Android NFC Source (Java)
Implementation NFC/NXP Chip - FEIG Reader Communication
Freelancer for KARL STORZ SE & Co. KG (Germany: Stutensee near Karlsruhe)
Project: Client Userinterfaces
Qt-Client,Android Client, wysiwyg XML/GUI Editor
Video Streaming (gstreamer wrapper)

Clion, cmake, git, Android Studio
Freelancer for ABB gomTec GmbH (Germany: Seefeld near Munich)
Project: Userinterface (HMI)
ABB ComLib (Communication library)

C#, UWP-Apps, Classic Application
Visual Studio, TFS
Freelancer for Besi Austria GmbH (Austria: Radfeld, between Innsbruck und Wörgl)
Project: Real Time Variables
Servo Axis Programing

C/C++ ( Linux, Cross Compilation )
Linux, IDE: Qt Creator
Freelancer for REWE (Köln)
Project: Weather

C/C++ (IBM DB2 Mainframe)
Development, Weather influence of selling prognosis
combination of statistic and SQL
Linux, IDE: Eclipse
Freelancer for ADASENS Automotive GmbH
Project: Tooling Automotive

C++ ( Can Bus, openGl, XML, Qt, Bilderverarbeitung )
Inhouse Framework, ADTF
Windows, IDE: Visual Studio

Main developing in Lindau (South Germany),
International experience in Spain and Sweden
Laser Micro Material processing
C#, Python, XML, MES+HMI Development
International experience in USA/Oregon + South Korea

InnoLas GmbH (Munic)
Desktop Version